Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Citing Correctly

A lot of of the people during the informative speech did not cite their sources in their presentation correctly. I know that people do not  intentionally do this however it is a bad habit that you must break. If you can learn to cite your sources appropriately and constantly you can avoid being accused of plagiarism. In college students can get expelled for not having accurate research credit - surely you do not want to be one of those students!  I found this youtube video to help everyone cite their sources!

Interview Communication

We have for the most part wrapped up all of our informative speeches. I remember that Jose was talking about interview communication which I thought was very interesting. A lot of things he talked about I somewhat had a clear idea until he started talking about researching a company. Of course before you have an interview you go about and find general information about the company, but more extensive the research the better. He mentioned that the interview for the most part wants you to take the lead in the conversation. To me this shows a lot about a person. It can show off your dedication because you already went above and beyond to go and seek the information, it shows your assertiveness and leadership ability because you can take charge of the situation, and it can show off your elegance and charisma in how you handle the situation. All of those underlining messages can help you snag the job.

Next time I go into an interview I will most certainly try to do as much as I can to research and snag the job!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We had a take home test a few days ago, and one of the questions was to explain why television was not a "window to the world." Television is deffinaley not a window to the world because you get to pick and choose what you want to watch as a viewer. Having choices also brings different networks, different networks target certain audiences - everyone has a niche audience. Also television networks basied on their information of the viewer target certain stories. So for example, if i like to hear about all of the current political or social issues I mi ght tune into world news tonight on abc compared to Inside addition, a television showed based on celeberity drama and gossip. In all reality there no one network or show that will show you a "true" repersentaion of the world beacuse everyone has a different perserpetive but we all have might have the same different one.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Culture Shock

We are still on foucusing on our informative speechs in class, so i'm going to talk about culture shock. My friend is doing her speech on culture shock or something to that extent. With that topic, it made me remeber about the time I went to Dominican Republic, DR, for spring break. I was lucky enough to see both sides of DR beacuse I went with a friend who was from there. While we were there we stayed in a fablous resort, so I was able to experince the true tourist side of it all, however; I also got to experince the real ruggedness of the country. Going into the city to see the "real" DR really shocked me. It was very polluted so it made it hard for me to breath, and there were a ton of stray dogs everywhere. I couldnt imagine seeing all these poor little puppies just roaming the streets. That would never happen in America because we actually care about our pets. The amount of pets I saw uncared for were to the extreme. I remeber asking my friends father what they do to the dogs, and him replying "They feed them food filled with posion so they die." I could not believe it! They should have a spay and nueture program over there! It made me very sad. That was my litttle experince of culture shock with dealing with the little dogs. Here is a picture of a dog I tried to save. It was so cute! Along with other pictures of the inner city I visited.