Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hearing VS Listening

"Hearing is the physical act of receiving a sound. We hear all of the noises around us. Listening is the active process of receiving, paying attention to, assigning meaning to, and responding to sounds. Listening is an active process whereas hearing is reflexive."
      Many people do not listen. From the quote above, which I got from the Chapter summary, states that listening is the active process of receiving, paying attention to, assigning meaning to, and responding to sounds. Responding to sounds to me is the most important part. Getting feedback, or answers to your questions is the only way you will really know if someone was listening to you! I always seem to wonder if people really are paying attention in our communications class, because when Jason asks us questions or wants us to participate somehow - only few do. Those who do participate seem to be the same ones. Do others know how to actively listen? or Are they just not choosing to? Maybe the can not relate to the topic? but if they can not relate, Why don't they ask questions to try and help them? Everyone can hear. It takes true focus to listen. Listening means you payed attention, attained a sense of meaning, and respond in some sort of way. Take time to you ever really anything..or anyone? Food for thought.  



  1. It's been my experience that we tend to spend our time, while someone is talking, thinking of what we will say instead of listening! I'm guilty of this and so I have definitely become more aware of this in myself. Self evaluation and awareness are the first steps to becoming a good listener. I like your post! Great food for thought Gladys!

  2. Interesting thoughts and questions on listening and hearing. Taking your final question and twisting is a bit, another question may be, is it possible to ever really fully listen? How do media affect our ability to listen? Do any two people physically hear in exactly the same way?

    @Adam - Interesting comment as well.

